Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Days in Santa Fe

Summer Days in Santa Fe
Whew! This has been a year for being on the road with lots of trips back and forth between Santa Fe and TX!

Insert Costa Rica for 5.5 wks!

Back on the road to Santa Fe.

Insert trip out West. From Santa Fe to San Francisco Bay Area and back.

Insert trip for Laura's Dad's 90th and wedding, driving all the way to Smith Point on Galveston Bay and back. Hundreds and hundreds of miles.

Finally tired of traveling!

Nice to be back in Santa Fe for a month, back in our exercise class and riding our bikes! Whew!


For some pictures of amazing beauty and sea creatures in the Western US:


Africa Naturetrekkers said...

Beautiful sites

malonetravels2 said...

Thanks, eddie! Looks like you have an interesting life!