We had a rec on Thrifty from JP of Blue-Africa Safaris, the great guy who gave us a ride to Ngepi.
We used Expedia to check their rates, and according to Rob of Shoestrings Airport Lodge backpackers, the rate was great.
The car we got was a four door VW Polo Classic with a "nice boot," a trunk, not a hatchback, which is what we wanted. It also had a standard trans, which we prefer, and air conditioning.
The biggest problem with a passenger car for a self drive is its low clearance, and as we later saw, there were a few places in Kruger we could not go as a consequence.
However, there are miles and miles (kilomoters and kilometers ) of Kruger National Parke where we could, and did, go.
Hi Robert and Laura, I am soooo sorry we didn't have any quality time together at all! We greatly enjoyed your posts about your travels south, and happy that you got to do the Kruger trip after all! hope to be in touch soon :)
Thanks Karen, we fully understood, great to see you guys all the same! Come see us in Santa Fe someday!
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